
One Second Sri Lanka phone card

One Second Sri Lanka
rate based on local access

19.90 ¢/min

100 min

*The minutes for a calling card are based on one call using a local access number where available.
  • Denominations: $20, $40, $50, $100
  • Rechargeable: Yes
  • Within Continental US:
  • Maintenance Fee: None
  • Fees & Surcharges: May apply*
  • Customer Support Language: English/Spanish
  • 800 number Surcharge: 1¢ per minute
  • Customer Service Hours: 24 hours
  • Connection Fee: None
  • Domestic Connection Fee: None
  • Expiration: 6 months (183 days) after last use; if no use 6 months (183 days) after being ordered
  • Billing Increments: 1 second
  • Can Make Calls From: Cont. U.S., Canada, Hawaii, Europe, United Kingdom
  • Payphone Surcharge: Up to 99¢
*May apply on some calls. Please call Customer Service at 1-888-520-9215 for details.

**The payphone surcharge applies only when calling from United States and Canada.

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